Comic Festivals
Buchmesse 2002

Special Comics section at the Bookfair - Stripburger Exhibition

Trondheim Exhibition

socalled 'Elefantenrunde', a podium discussion of the bigwigs of German comics publishing.
(Elefant means elephant, Runde means round.)

Stripburger table

Igor from Stripburger (eating a dodgy kebab)

'Filu' Illustrators meeting point

Comics exhibition outside the fair, at the Mousonturm, a cultural center.

same exhibition, in fact the same table seen from the other side.

Party at 'Labor', an illustrator's co-op.

another exhibition with 'Labor' artists contributing (rooms inside the Technisches Rathaus)

Party at a club, organized by 'Titanic', the leading satirical magazine in Germany.
A bit like Private Eye. Only has a few comics. More cartoons.

Talk by comics dealer Chuck Rosinsky.

Slideshow about East European comics by Igor Prassel (sorry, doesn't look like him).

Talk about children's comics, as an inroduction to the Trondheim Interview.

Trondheim Interview.

The 'Comic Quartett', a recurring discussion at German festivals of four critics chewing the fat about four
new comics (each presenting one). Very effective format, should be tried in France/England/USA as well.

Another discussion. About arty comics.

Interview with legendary comcis publisher Abi Melzer. As you see, he published Micky Mouse, the Gotfredson collections.
Also Little Nemo and Prince Valliant. All devoured by me as a kid. The chap has my eternal gratitude.

Sergio Aragones signing. He kindly enhanced by portrait of him. What a nice guy.

Manga Madness. Loooads of little girls at a mange dressing up competition.
Thomas Ott, Frankfurt Nov. 2002

Exhibition Thomas Ott at Galerie Streitenfeld, Oberursel.
That's him, with the moody look.

Thomas Ott again, leaning on the table.
F.K.Waechter, Frankfurt Nov. 2002

Exhibition 'F.K.Waechter', one of the very best German cartoonists, indeed anywhere.
(Historisches Museum)

Comic Festivals